Video/Autumn Equinox 2024

Greetings on this autumn equinox!

Let us lean into the balance
Equal light, equal dark energize
Peace in your very cells.

Nature is signaling us to pause and feel
The shifting into harvest with a quiet ease.

The fruits of your labor now manifest.
As you pick the red tomato, orange pumpkin, yellow corn,
You also see your ideals coming into fruition with
Pink love.

Now is the moment to luxuriate in the stability of your being

Grateful that your hard work is sanctioned into manifestation.

Deep into the stillness of equipoise
You sink into the fertile earth to anchor yourself as your own magic and sovereignty descend.

Clear in aspirations,
You draw your boundaries
So you may be in your circle of power with
Your passion, purpose.

Savor your blessed rest
As a still point of calm in the chaos of the outer world
Take refuge in your own self knowledge
Safe and protected by the stars aligning for you.

This allows for miracles to exist
As you allow them to come into your life.

Surrender to Nature’s grace in this Equinox!

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