Earth Day/Ecotherapy

**Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful April**

May it be filled with peace, health, rebirth and freedom

We celebrate Earth Day this month. We know all the science. We can feel the heat of the sun on our own bodies. Climate change is real and happening. Let us be vigilant in protecting Earth for the generations to follow and for all the species that we share the planet with.

Do everything you can: do each action with an intention to lower the toxic levels in the atmosphere. Concentrate your aspiration with a green light emanating from your heart to encircle the globe in loving rejuvenation. The above women, BIG members of the Millburn pod, had just finished a meditation with me. We shared a wonderful morning experiencing our energy centers and doing work with visualizations. It shows as we are ready to spring forward integrally blooming and beautiful.

Nature also gives back to us in a myriad of ways. One is ecotherapy. Ecotherapy, nature or green therapy, is the connection with the earth and its systems which leads to better physical and mental health. Balancing with nature we can find equilibrium for the self and spirit. We need Vitamin N, a nature rich life, now more than ever!

Although the 1st Earth Day was in 1970, the concept of ecotherapy was coined in 1992 in “The Voice of the Earth” by the 20th century historian Theodore Roszak, a PH.D from Princeton University. He introduced the idea of ecopsychology to illustrate the connection between ecological health and mental health.

I teach ecotherapy workshops at with my colleague, Melissa Brown, MD. Here are 3 tips:

  1. Be outside in nature with mindfulness
  2. Make a sound map of natural noises in your home and also outside
  3. Journal your gratitude for nature

Gratefully, the media has been interested in my work.
Now I appear on WOR 710AM, NYC’s largest AM radio station,
on a show called “Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life” giving wellness tips.

I was recently also interviewed on a podcast called Courageous Heartbeats.

Two of the questions I was asked were “Who is your favorite heroine? What did she do that inspires you?”

My answer was the biblical Miriam who has always fascinated me. She is the older sister of Moses and Aaron and plays a crucial role in their lives.

As a leader of women, healer, dancer and prophetess in her own right, she has inspired me. She shows strength by watching over her baby brother, Moses, and then speaking to Pharoah’s daughter once he is found by her.

Then later in their story of Passover, she is the first to trust in Moses and to help him. What a powerful woman!
In the picture Miriam is the holding the tambourine and singing as she did at The Red Sea once the Israelites crossed over.

To listen to the complete interview click here or on image:

Do trust YOU will find my work interesting – and helpful – also during these changeable times as each of us is given the opportunity to be reborn from our own inner slavery of fear into the freedom of our true nature.

I am extremely grateful that my private psychic healing sessions have helped several experience this transformation, including myself.

Light, Peace & Love

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