
water-snow-treesIt’s March. It’s spring. It’s snow. It’s now.

What a month – it snowed for hours on the 1st day of spring here in the northeast USA! Clearly we are in a time of paradox and transition. As we experience Climate Change, Mother Nature is forcing us to stay focused and mindful while we go through each and every day. March also has a lot of special days in it.


Woman’s International Day



The Asian Art Fair in NYC



The Spring Equinox


waterday logo

World Water Day

brainawareness-inblogIt is also Brain Injury Awareness Month and I had the honor of being involved in a great program at Opportunity Project in Millburn, NJ. It was on the 18th and entitled “Healthy Brain – Healthy Me”. I was part of a group that represented the Health and Wellness CoOp of Millburn/Short Hills. We were invited to share information about the brain and stress management. I, then, lead a meditation to have everyone experience deep relaxation while visualizing health throughout the brain and body. We were also laughing a lot since humor is very healing:)

For some serious confirmation of the benefits of meditation on the brain, please read this report in the Harvard Gazette:  click here. Even though the study is a few years old, it has had a major impact in academic and scientific circles.

I close with an old Irish blessing in honor of St. Patrick’s Day:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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