Monaco and Loving Yourself

My intention for 2019 is to grow in my work as I become more grounded in myself.

What about you? What is your overriding intention? The actions may change but the alignment of an inner aspiration remains steady.

Have you been able to identify your true passion and purpose? It is crucial for you to find the time and space to be in your calm center so that you can hear your own voice and heartfelt musings. Do the deep self-care of Loving Yourself.

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I am sharing an evening of Love Yourself! I led a class in the fall at this very special boutique and have been asked back to do another. I feel very honored.


My year started off with a humbling yet thrilling event. I was asked to speak to the women Ambassadors and other dignitaries at the United Nations in NYC. Ambassador Picco of Monaco initiated the idea when she heard about my work. She is sitting to the right of me in the picture above.

Gathered in the mission’s beautiful conference room on January 16th, I was able to lead a discussion about Mindfulness, Diplomacy and Meditation. Then I shared a meditation with them as we took a deep dive into the silence of the heart and the breath. These highly skilled professional women who represent their various countries recognize the importance of taking the time to learn ways to better cope, make decisions and live a fuller life.

January 20th was the lunar eclipse of the Super Blood Wolf Moon. It was a crystal clear sky. The dark midnight air was cold while the red moon shone with a primordial power across half the globe including North and South America, Europe and Africa. I was mesmerized by the power of nature.

This is a perfect moment for you to awake to your power. We are in a time of shift. Be part of the change. Nature is in alignment. You can do the same as the UN women Ambassadors in Chatham, N.J. on Thursday, the 7th of February, and Love Yourself!

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