green garden at dusk as cover for Embracing Earth audio recording

There’s Still A Chance!

The war in Ukraine horrifies us with unleashed brutality. Politics often borders on the macabre.  Covid continues to mutate and kill.

In the midst of these negative events, Earth Day approaches with its ray of optimism.  But, lest we forget, the climate crisis is the overriding issue. If it continues unabated, then the earth – as we know it – is destroyed.

Everything is pressing on you. Pushing your buttons and heightening your anxiety.  If you just stand still with your feet on the earth and breathe, you can come back to your calm self!


Yes, healing the earth helps to heal you and our species.  You live in a high tech low touch society.  You need just the opposite.

Humans are meant to be:

Earth is meant to be:


There is so much we can learn by watching the birds flying and the flowers opening. Ecotherapy has infinite rewards for us as we treasure nature!

Reacting to the latest findings released in April of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that unless governments everywhere reassess their energy policies, the world will be uninhabitable.

His comments reflect the IPCC’s insistence that all countries must reduce their fossil fuel use substantially, extend access to electricity, improve energy efficiency and increase the use of alternative fuels, such as solar.

Action is not just from the top-down but also from the bottom up – meaning that you have the power to influence.  I outline several things in the video you can do and would add these 5 activities:

  1. use/buy electric vehicles
  2. put solar panels on your roof
  3. plant a garden
  4. eat locally/sustainably
  5. wear vintage clothing


solar panels on a roof

Use your power to influence your politicians and your dollar to influence corporations.  I am happy to report that I have 18 solar panels on my roof in NJ!!

Give Earth a chance.

Give peace a chance.

There’s still a possibility for both if we act quickly with all hands on deck.

Participate in Earth Day events on the 22nd and every day in your life.  I participated in the 1st Earth Day in 1970 and have been active ever since.

“Embracing Earth” is an expression of my lifelong commitment. You easily have access to its insights, visualizations, and experience by listening to this audio download.

green garden at dusk as cover for Embracing Earth audio recording

We – you and I – need to be at the ready.  We need to have the intention and resolve to do whatever is necessary to pass on the world as we know it to our children and their children’s children so they may thrive on a flourishing planet Earth.

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